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Literature & Patents



Curiale, M.S. and C. Lewus. 1994. Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in samples containing Listeria innocua. Journal of Food Protection. 57:1048-1051.


Hallerbach, C.M. (nee) and N.N. Potter. 1981. Effects of nitrite and sorbate on bacterial populations in frankfurters and thuringer cervelat. Journal of Food Protection. 44:341-346.


Lewus, C.B. and T.J. Montville. 1991. Detection of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 13:145-150.


Lewus, C.B. and T.J. Montville. 1992. Further characterization of bacteriocins plantaricin BN, bavaricin MN, and pediocin A. Food Biotechnology. 6(2): 153-174.


Lewus, C.B., A. Kaiser and T.J. Montville. 1991. Inhibition of food-borne bacterial pathogens by bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria isolated from meat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 57:1683-1688.


Lewus, C.B., S. Sun and T.J. Montville. 1991. Production of an amylase-sensitive bacteriocin by Leuconostoc paramesenteroides. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 58:143-149.


Patel, K.M., C.M. Hallerbach (nee) and J.G. Bergan. 1980. Frozen breads could be the (micro) wave of the future. Bakers Digest. 54:5.


Patel, K.M. and C.M. Hallerbach (nee). 1979. Quality characteristics and shelf life of frozen rye breads reheated with microwaves. Cereal Foods World. 24:448.


Van Houte, J.G. Gibbs and C. Butera. 1982. Oral flora of children with “nursing bottles caries”. Journal of Dental Research. 61:382-385.



U.S Patent 9408794, “Oral Care Product and Method of Use and Manufacture Thereof”, granted: August 9, 2016


U.S Patent 9622962, “Oral Care Product and Method of Use and Manufacture Thereof", granted: April 18, 2017

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